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April 2, 2022

My Job Here Is Done Podcast Sneak Pique

After a few dozen episodes playing world-wide, we thought we'd give our new curious listeners a taste of how we promote career success and business growth by giving up a short sampling of some of our work. Enjoy and then subscribe!

Here's a sampling of some of the highlights we have on the business success and career propelling podcast My Job Here Is Done. This Sneak Pique (clever?) is all about getting new listeners to know us better. We have a memorable way of telling stories about business growth and bringing forward solid career advice for those climbing the career ladder of success. 

We hope you'll subscribe so you don't miss a thing! You can listen to My Job Here Is Done everywhere podcasts are available. You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Goodpods or your favorite app. You can also hear us on your SmartSpeaker - just say Hey Siri | Hey Google | or "Alexa, play the latest episode of the podcast My Job Here Is Done."

You can find our official website here, and we're all over social media, just search for myjobpodcast.

Thanks for listening!

Dave and Kelli


"My Job Here Is Done Podcast Sneak Pique"

My Job Here is Done™ Transcript (for general use only – machine-generated and it may not be accurate.) 


Dave (00:02) Hi, I'm Dave, and I've been starting and running businesses all my life.

Kelli (00:06) And I'm Kelly, working for the man like a dog for decades.

Dave (00:10) And you are YOU! The driven career professional clawing your way up the ladder of success.

Kelli (00:16) Maybe running your own business.

Robot Voice (00:18) Here's a quick sampling of our weekly podcasts.

Chuck Fresh (00:21) My job here is done.

Dave (00:24) Mr. Iacocca is here. I'm going to call him Lee. So I go out. I shake his hand and he's not smiling at all. And I said, Is there something wrong?

Dave (00:34) Do you see something?

Dave (00:35) He takes his hand and he points his finger right at me and he says, Take down that (expletive) sign!!

Kelli (00:45) Oh, my God.

Dave (00:47) This is the tale of three envelopes.

Kelli (00:51) Sometimes you have to get off the stage to be the star of the show.

Dave (00:55) I left you something under the desk phone. Three envelopes marked one, two, and three. Just in case things get a little rough, open them in order. Who knows, maybe they'll help.

Kelli (01:06) That was nice of them.

Dave (01:08) So with great hope, you rip it open and you stare in horror, reading the last message that simply says ... 

Dave (01:18) Ladies and gentlemen, meet Dunning Kruger!

Kelli (01:22) These are people who don't recognize their own shortcomings. They are convinced that they are experts on whatever they want to tackle. They lack the ability to recognize their own mistakes, and they're unable to fairly judge other people's performance.

Dave (01:38) And why is that? Because they are posers!

Kelli (01:41) And most people look at interviewing really through the employer's lens.

Dave (01:46) Yeah, it's very one-sided.

Kelli (01:47) It is. But, you know, there's another side, and that's the side of the interview that involves the potential employees impression about you.

Dave (01:56) Nobody cares about that.

Kelli (01:57) And your company,

Dave (01:58) nobody cares about that.

Kelli (01:59) And the people they meet during the interview process.

Dave (02:01) People come away from interviews feeling as if they've been interrogated. Everybody who's listening to us right now are saying to themselves, I've been there!

Dave (02:10) Are your panties in a bunch about eventually having to go back to the office?

Kelli (02:14) Maybe a little bit.

Dave (02:15) So pump your brakes and pace your pickles kiddos!

Kelli (02:19) Whatever that means.

Dave (02:20) This is going to suck for a while.

Kelli (02:23) Would you be mine?

Dave (02:25) Could you be mine? Won't you be my mentor?

Dave (02:28) You said something to me once that I thought was really funny, and I can't remember exactly what it was, but it relates... It's about the person with no filter, right?

Kelli (02:36) It's a personal pet peeve of mine that sometimes people say to you, oh, I'm just going to tell you how it is because I have no filter. But in reality, having no filter really is just being an asshole.

Kelli (02:50) I'm looking over the production notes for this podcast with the title, if you don't go to College, you'll never get paid well. And I see we use the word poppycock in the title. Really?

Dave (03:01) Years ago, career success relied on going to College as a prerequisite to qualify for a certain career path.

Kelli (03:09) Hey, fast forward to today. Is that still true in many cases? We don't think so.

Kelli (03:14) (Singing) Should I stay or should I go?

Dave (03:23) This is the one about your good employees leaving suddenly and why you as a leader and manager are surprised but shouldn't be.

Dave (03:33) Thanks for joining us, jeez.

Kelli (03:38) This is only going to take 15 hours!

Dave (03:42) We hope you'll listen to the dozens of episodes we have on building your professional career, growing your own business and succeeding ahead of others. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Amazon ... Anywhere you listen to podcasts ... Until next time ...

Chuck Fresh (03:59) My job here is done.